Apache - reverse proxy with freebsd

Andrew Riabtsev resident at b-o.ru
Mon Jul 26 01:06:37 PDT 2004

Hello Arie,

Friday, July 23, 2004, 11:45:11 PM, you wrote:

AG> Hi

AG> Currently I am running a standard setup with NameBased Virtualhosts with
AG> HTTP 1.1 with a couple of Vhosts. Each has the same public IP.

AG> What I would like to do:

AG>         - assign each vhosts a unique RFC1918 internal address
AG>         - do some nat / reverse proxy magic on the freebsd box (the
AG> webserver itself)
AG>         - I want to use the same public IP

AG> Is there a solution for that? What I could not figure out, how the
AG> reverse proxy could distinghish / split up the http 1.1 individual
AG> domains to internal ips.

Without hardcore programming - no. First that come on my mind is you
can write program, which is nats and splits IPs on packets recieved
from divert-socket, or for example extend ip_nat.c with functions you
need. Probably there is easyer netgraph solution with less pain
but noone for ng_experts answeared you so this is the only way to
start for now. :)

 Andrew,                            mailto:resident at b-o.ru
 proud ubah haxor lvl 9 (http://www.try2hack.nl/levels/)

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