mail server recommendations?

Michael W. Lucas mwlucas at
Mon Apr 12 10:38:28 PDT 2004

Hi folks,

I've already tried Google, and found a lot of discussions that are
either a) old, or b) don't quite match our requirements.  So:

I'm looking for a decent solution for a mail server software package.
We need SASL, IMAP, pop3ssl, antivirus, and mime-type filtering.  In
an ideal world, we'd have the ability to create mail accounts without
creating user accounts.

I have to admit that I'm partial to sendmail simply for the milter
interface that lets me plug in, say, MIMEDefang, clamav, and all sorts
of other nifty stuff.

What are people using these days?  What sucks the least?  Any opinions
from folks who have been there welcome.


Michael Lucas		mwlucas at, mwlucas at

Today's chance of throwing it all away to start a goat farm: 49.1%

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