News Server

Bob Martin bob at
Mon Apr 5 07:28:56 PDT 2004

As you can see from this thread, there are a lot of options. It really 
depends on what you're trying to accomplish.

A full news feed requires a massive pipe, and at least one very high end 

If you only want to pull a small set of non binary groups, you can get 
by with a T1, and high quality server.

I know of at least one ISP that's getting every thing he wants on a 
dedicated DSL link, and is using a low end server.

If you want to provide a wide range of groups to a small number of 
users, you may want to consider outsourcing to someone like giganews or

Again, it all depends on your needs.

Bob Martin

Odhiambo Washington wrote:
> Hello Admins (I think we all are at some point),
> I am considering running a news server, and I see there are several
> options out there.
> Can someone recommend what they are running and why they chose it.
> I am particularly looking for one that doesn't suck alot ;-)
> I hear they all suck, no?
> -Wash
> --
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