proftpd or pure-ftpd (virtual users / domains)

nbari at nbari at
Sun Oct 26 06:56:34 PST 2003

Sorry for this second post I forgot to say that

I am trying also to to this with pure-ftpd

so what do you recomend best.



I want to use proftpd for multiple users (virtual users), i host more than
50 domains and want to have a home for each domain.

Right now I'm making tests with mod_ldap but the problem is that the ftp
protocol don't work like apache when setting virtual domains by DNS.

What i would like to have is just one system user called vftp (uid 201) 
and a group vftp (gid 201) and to have all the users on /home/vftp/sites/*
but to allow or disable access for certain groups or users to some

For example if i have vdomain1 i would like that group1 could access to
the home of vdomain1 bot not to access to other vdomains.

This an idea of what i am trying to do, any idea, comment or suggestion on
how to best do this stuff??

Basically what i don't want is to authenticate users against the
/etc/master.password and no to have a lot of system users.


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