migrating users from an exchange server to a unix mailserver.

Faried Nawaz fn at hungry.org
Sat May 24 16:07:23 PDT 2003

Etienne Ledoux <etienne at unix.za.org> writes:

> - Is it possible to authenticate exchange type usernames (domain\username)
> in a unix mail enviroment.  If so what should I use etc.

There are several ways of doing this, but they all require you to hack on
some code.

#1: Use /usr/ports/security/pam_smb to authenticate the users.  You may need
to hack your POP server to use PAM.  This is probably the cleanest solution.

#2: Hack your POP server to read in the username/password, and then connect
to the exchange server to authenticate them.  Works okay as long as you fork
off a POP server instance for every connecting client.

#3: Install samba on your mail server, add the machine to your Windows
domain, and hack your POP server to use libsmbclient.  This is a variant of

#4: /usr/ports/www/squid has some NT authentication code as a separate
module.  You could hack your POP server to make use of that.

> - I would like to do this and still keep the user info in the mysql db,
> this will eventually be linked to the rest of the customer db with billing
> info etc. which is also kept in a mysql db.

By "user info" I assume you mean username ("domain\user") and password.  I
don't know how you can make your mysql db your authoritative authentication
source if users can change their password elsewhere (ie, by changing it on
the Windows domain).  Perhaps someone else can chime in here...

Now, moving mail across is a lot easier.  I see Jeff Lynch has mailed a
script to do this.  I had to do something similar, essentially, when I
shifted my users over from an old Lotus Notes server to a qmail+vpopmail
system (only my code used IMAP to move mail, not POP).  Using any of the
above schemes, you can grab the username/password, and then use that info to
move mail over.

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