Managing Maildirs

Olivier Cherrier Olivier.Cherrier at
Mon Dec 22 00:35:06 PST 2003

>>I am currently using mutt with mh-style directories on my 
>local machine,
>>without difficulties.  And if it /does/ cause difficulties, 
>just IMAP to
>>localhost.  Mutt and IMAP seem to play nicely together, I've 
>been using it
>>with cyrus for about a year now, with no issues (aside from 
>>The hard part will be converting your current mbox-style 
>mailboxes over to
>>maildir-style mailboxes, IMHO.
>What about sendmail?  Anyone using sendmail with it?

No problem with sendmail.
You just have to redefine the local mailer to something else than
the standard sendmail "mail.local".
Look for 'procmail' in the sendmail's README. 

BTW, you can use something else than procmail ... maildrop for example.

To convert .... humm, set up a POP account with old mails (mbox) and
an IMAP account for new mails (maildir). Then, users can "drag & drop"
theirs mails from one to the other using theirs MUA.

Good luck.

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