When FreeBSD have higer performans than Linux and When Linuxhavehigher performans than FreeBSD

Simon Gray simong at desktop-guardian.com
Fri Dec 12 03:50:32 PST 2003

> Having said that,    I really recommend that you do not use the default or
> "out of the box" settings for either OS.  Take the time to educate
> a nd tune both OS's.  You'll thank yourself in the long run.  Linux in
> particular is usually tuned for desktop uses rather than server (depending
> ont he distro of course).  whereas FreeBSD is tuned more as a "jack of all
> trades" OS.   In it's default configuration,  it will act as a mediocre
> webserver, database server, desktop, or file share.  Only when you tune
> will you actually be impressed with it's capability and scalability.

Interesting, do you happen to know of any docs for fbsd (apart from the
handbook of course) that provide suggestions for tuning?


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