Who are using FreeBSD for Hosting Env. and Which Update Method

Kurt Jaeger lists at complx.LF.net
Tue Dec 9 13:23:47 PST 2003


> Which verison FreeBSD are you using ?!

Most of the server: 4.9. Some bit-rot, we're working on it.

> How long does it take to complate all process ?!

For one server, if it's fairly recent: approx. 10 minutes of
person-time, approx. 1-2 hours wall-clock (compiling).

> You mean I can make source up-to-date (cvsup)  / make world process at this
> moment server can response to web clients ?!

Yes. Only a short time (during the installworld and mergemaster)
the system is in a somehow fragile state, but it works most of
the time, so we do it in multiuser.

The update 4.9 -> 5.2 will probably be much more difficult and
we will test it extensibly, before we do it on production servers.

> Why don't you choose binary update methode . Does it have problem ?! or it's
> not a true way to keep up-to-date FreeBSD

Good question 8-)

> and do you test those process on other machine before apply those patches to
> your production server ?!

Yes, intensivly. We first do it to our desktop systems and testservers
(approx. 40 systems) before we make the rollout to the visible servers.

MfG/Best regards, Kurt Jaeger                                  17 years to go !
LF.net GmbH        fon +49 711 90074-23  pi at LF.net  
Ruppmannstr. 27    fax +49 711 90074-33
D-70565 Stuttgart  mob +49 171 3101372

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