[Apcupsd-users] RE: FreeBSD and APCUPSD 3.10.6

Lewis Watson lists at visionsix.com
Mon Dec 8 15:08:05 PST 2003

> many scripts in /usr/local/etc/rc.d will require the full path to
> manually start or stop. just doing "./<scriptname.sh> start" will
> produce the error you are experiencing. try using:
>   /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apcupsd.sh start
>      or
>   /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apcupsd.sh stop

This was exactly correct for the prefix error that was generated.

More information on the problem where apcupsd appeared to be failing to
communicate with the ups. - I looked at the commfailure and commok files.
Each file tries to run apcaccess and place the output of it in the email
notifying the admin of the change. I removed these lines and now apcupsd
is notifiying with wall, email, and logging each communication status

Apparantly, apcaccess was just hanging which in turn made the rest of the
program nonresponsive.

So far so good at this time with those lines that called apcaccess
commented out!

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