DNS Server Farm

David J. Hughes bambi at Hughes.com.au
Mon Aug 4 15:35:21 PDT 2003

On Mon, 4 Aug 2003, Blaz Zupan wrote:

> Anycast is the solution in this case. Build lots and lots of small
> recursive nameserver boxes and locate them at various points around your
> network. Each of those boxes has two IP addresses: one from the local

An anycast / BGP solution assumes that the application will never fail
without taking the box down.  If your DNS code falls over (or is stopped
etc) then your customers are going to lose.

Seeing as a "real" load balancer, like a ServerIron XL, can be found on
Ebay for next to nothing these days, it's a very workable solution.  We
just built such a solution for a network with about 550,000 users and it
works just fine.  2 or 3 good boxes and a load balancer will also be much
cheaper than a box at each pop.


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