Apache13-fp + Named Virtual Hosts

Darryl Hoar darryl at osborne-ind.com
Mon Aug 4 12:49:17 PDT 2003

I installed apache13-fp from the ports on my 4.7-stable box.
Started it up (thanks scot) and got it running.  Works just
fine publishing from Frontpage 2000 to the apache webserver.

Unfortunately, I need to have this apache server implimentation
hosts a couple sites.  So here is what I tried:

1. Shutdown apache server.
2. Modify httpd.conf.  Changed DocumentRoot to be /websites/data
    changed <Directory "/websites/data">
3. Uncommented NameVirtualHost * line in httpd.conf
4. Added VirtualHost blocks
    <VirtualHost *>
       DocumentRoot /websites/data/internal
       ServerName www.osborneindustries.com
    <VirtualHost *>
      DocumentRoot /websites/data/test
      ServerName test.osborneindustries.com

5. Made sure last Virtual Host block was:
   <VirtualHost _default_:80>
    ServerName test.osborneindustries.com

6. Reran /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/fp_install.sh
    no to sub/user webs.  Yes to virtual hosts.

It doesn't work right when I try to use the setup.  It either doesn't think
the extension are
running on the server, or it perpetually asks for username/password and
won't accept the
ones I defined in fp_install.sh.

Is there a tutorial on this setup ?  any ideas ?


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