first sounds via asterisk

David Wetzel dave at
Thu Jun 9 20:40:15 GMT 2005

hi folks,

my BSD i4b Telephony Channel driver for Asterisk is still a early alpha but sometimes I can talk to the 
asterisk PBX. 
It detects DTMF tones and the echo test is very good IMHO.
CPU is about 99% idle during this test.
Asterisk CPU usage is max 2% according to top.

All this works currently only on dialin. (ISDN Phone -> Fritz ISDN card)

I see no reason to use active ISDN cards. My test box is Pentium III 1 GHz.

If you want to help me and you have *real* know-how about i4b please email me your skype or 
telephone number in case I may have a beginner question.


BTW: is doing somebody the port of the new ISDN drivers (HFC etc) to NetBSD? 

   _  _
 _(_)(_)_  David Wetzel, Turbocat's Development,
(_) __ (_) Buchhorster Strasse 23, D-16567 Muehlenbeck/Berlin, FRG,
  _/  \_   Fax +49 33056 82835 Phone +49 33056 82834

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