
ortizkatherinal at outlook.com ortizkatherinal at outlook.com
Sat Mar 19 19:49:23 UTC 2016

Hey there! I am a spiritual soul with an open heart and compassion and ready to give it all to my soul mate life partner! Very loving, caring , straight-forward and self-aware I love beautiful things and architecture. As well as nature and animals. I dream to build my own house according to the world of feng shui one day. Peaceful and positive environment is very important to me. I cannot stand being around drama, danger and impulsivity in the relationship. I love intelligent and philosophical conversations and I do take words seriously. I feel like I am much more mature for my age. Don't judge by the pretty picture. This is just a cover! I think if we are able to build a good base for friendship and there is a sexual chemistry, we will definitely click! Very intuitive by nature.  I have a high sensitivity. Not saying I could read you as a book but I will be able to tell a lot about you. Let's give it a chance. Let's talk and see where it goes! I am looking for a mature Caucasian man who lives in both material and spiritual world, successfully doing both. I have a lot to give and a lot to ask for! I am serious about my choices and you will be one of the million for me  You don't need to complete me but I do need your support and we stay strong together. I don't care if you have kids or going through a hell of divorce, I get it all. I am very realistic and open to this crazy world. I don't care if you are across the world! We will make it possible to meet! All I am asking is honesty, openness, understanding  compassion and ability to discuss any issue without ego and arrogance. That's what makes it beautiful in relationship. I want us to have good friends, relatives, travel around the world, spend cute family weekends together and enjoy this life together, practice spirituality together and grow together, cook healthy foods together and learn how to be the best for each other!

My profile and photos : http://6opdjecf.zinevich-olyazlk.tumblr.com/

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The Guardian Princesses, the superheroines of a new book series, are redefining what it means to be a princess.Instead of damsels-in-distress waiting to be saved, these culturally-diverse activists promote leadership, environmental awareness and healthy living.
Each Guardian Princess is the protector of a different aspect of the environment and demonstrates the power of compassion and collective action to make a difference in her community.
No dream is too big. With your heart in the right place, you truly can make a difference in your community and make the world a better place for future generations.
No fairy tale can be more magical.
Author: Pavita Singh
Editor: Pavita Singh
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A Princess is more than Just a Dress.
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