ipwf dummynet vs. kernel NAT and firewall rules

Don Lewis truckman at FreeBSD.org
Wed Mar 9 19:31:42 UTC 2016

On  9 Mar, Don Lewis wrote:
> On  9 Mar, Freddie Cash wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 10:09 AM, Don Lewis <truckman at freebsd.org> wrote:
>>> On  9 Mar, Franco Fichtner wrote:
>>> > Hi Don,
>>> >
>>> > If you mean pf(4)-based NAT, there is a patch that originates from
>>> > m0n0wall that handles the transition.  We're using it in OPNsense
>>> > for that reason.  Here is the patch for 10.x, maybe that is what
>>> > you're looking for:
>>> Nope, I'm using ipfw in-kernel NAT, which is not the default in
>>> rc.firewall, but is easy to paste in next to or in place of the default
>>> natd configuration.
>>>         case ${firewall_nat_enable} in
>>>         [Yy][Ee][Ss])
>>>                 if [ -n "${firewall_nat_interface}" ]; then
>>>                         if echo "${firewall_nat_interface}" | \
>>>                                 grep -q -E '^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){0,3}$'; then
>>>                                 firewall_nat_flags="ip
>>> ${firewall_nat_interface} ${firewall_nat_flags}"
>>>                         else
>>>                                 firewall_nat_flags="if
>>> ${firewall_nat_interface} ${firewall_nat_flags}"
>>>                         fi
>>>                         ${fwcmd} nat 123 config log ${firewall_nat_flags}
>>>                         ${fwcmd} add nat 123 ip4 from any to any via
>>> ${firewall_nat_interface}
>>>                 fi
>>>                 ;;
>>>         esac
>>> My suspicion is that if a packet matches the rule to pass it to dummynet
>>> that it is bypassing NAT.
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>> ?Do you have the sysctl net.inet.ip.fw.one_pass set to 0 or 1?
> Aha, I've got it set to 1.
>> If set to 1, the a dummynet match ends the trip through the rules, and the
>> packet never gets to the NAT rules.  Or, if a NAT rule matches, the trip
>> through the rules ends, and it never get to the dummynet rules.  Depending
>> on which you have first.
> Dummynet is first.
>> You'll need to set net.inet.ip.fw.one_pass?=0 in order to re-inject the
>> packet into the rules after it matches a dummynet or NAT rule.  Or, do the
>> NAT and dummynet rules on different interfaces to match different traffic.
> How do I prevent the re-injected packets from being sent back into
> dummynet?  My NAT rule looks like it could have the same problem, but
> that looks fixable.

I just read the fine man page and is says that after re-injection the
packet starts with the next rule ... cool!

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