Dummynet dynamic pipe per /29 network

Patrick Tracanelli eksffa at freebsdbrasil.com.br
Fri Jan 22 14:03:49 UTC 2010


I use to have dyamic dummy pipes configure with 0xffffffff mask (per
host), 0x00ffff00 mask, 0x000000ff00 mask (some sort of /24 network) and
so on. However, I have tried to configure dynamic pipes for /29 networks
(0x00000007 or in decimal). Is this mask supposed to work for
dynamic /29 pipes? If not, is any mask supposed to work?

When I set it up I dont have dynamic pipes, I have only one pipe and the
piped /29 networks concurrently race for it (FIFO).

Patrick Tracanelli

FreeBSD Brasil LTDA.
Tel.: (31) 3516-0800
316601 at sip.freebsdbrasil.com.br
"Long live Hanin Elias, Kim Deal!"

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