Dynamic rules & stats

Thomas Wolf tw at wsf.at
Sun Sep 19 23:25:23 PDT 2004

"J.T. Davies" <jtd at hostthecoast.org> schrieb:

> Please someone smack me around and correct me if I'm mistaken.
> I'm using 5.1 Release p13
> I've got IPFW2 enabled.  Stateless & stateful rules are working correctly.
> I'm trying to incorporate/"upgrade" to dynamic rulesets, but I'm confused.
> I've got the following rules:
> 1000 check-state
> 2000 allow tcp from any 1024-65535 to mysvrIP 25,110 in via outsideinterface
> setup keep-state
> Now, when I check mail from an outside client (mail transfer is successful),
> and then I do IPFW SHOW, the traffic counters for rule 2000 are ever
> increasing, but 1000 stays at 0.  Every mail transfer (whether POP3 or SMTP)
> increments 2000, but never 1000.
> Is this correct?  I *thought* that this should work somewhat like the
> "setup" and the "established" methods of a stateful firewall configuration.

No need to worry. For dynamic rules, it's always the parent rule
(which 'created' the dynamic one) where the counters are 
incremented (in your setup 2000)

> If I remark rule 1000...traffic still passes through.

"If no check-state rule is found, the dynamic ruleset is checked 
at the first keep-state or limit rule." (man ipfw)


Thomas Wolf
Wiener Software Fabrik
Dubas u. Wolf GMBH
1050 Wien, Mittersteig 4

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