installing 8.0-current-200906 snapshot

Kai Lockwood kailockwood at
Sat Jun 20 01:09:25 UTC 2009

Marcel Moolenaar wrote:
> On Jun 19, 2009, at 9:17 AM, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 08:34:49AM -0600, ToyoRunner wrote:
>>> I encounter the same error message. It means that for what ever reason
>>> the kernel cannot negotiate DMA transfers with the CD drive. You can
>>> either ignore it or stop the boot loader and run the command: set
>>> hw.ata.atapi_dma=0
>> thank you, I was able to install the minimal configuration.
>> However, on reboot, I can't see where my FBSD is.. So I can't boot it.
>> I can see this:
>> fs0:\boot> ls
>> Directory of: fs0:\boot
> Try "dir" instead of "ls".
>> fs0: is a disk
>> Not sure what to do next. And why is loader.efi zero size?
> Typically you run loader.efi by typing
>     fs0:\boot> loader <enter>
> FYI,
On my machine fs0: is the CD drive. I have what appears to be the /boot 
filesystem on fs1:. However, the machine does not want to load the efi file.

fs1:\boot> dir
Directory of: fs1:\boot

  06/19/09  04:23a <DIR>          8,192  .
  06/19/09  04:23a <DIR>              0  ..
  06/19/09  04:23a <DIR>          8,192  defaults
  06/19/09  04:23a <DIR>          8,192  firmware
  06/19/09  04:23a <DIR>          8,192  kernel
  06/19/09  04:23a <DIR>          8,192  modules
  06/19/09  04:23a <DIR>          8,192  zfs
  06/19/09  04:23a <DIR>         57,344  GENERIC
  06/12/09  06:55p       r            0  loader.efi
  06/12/09  06:55p       r            0  support.4th
  06/12/09  06:55p       r            0  loader.rc
  06/12/09  06:55p       r            0  loader.4th
  06/12/09  06:55p       r            0  skiload
  06/12/09  06:56p       r            0  device.hints
  06/12/09  06:55p       r            0
          7 File(s)           0 bytes
          8 Dir(s)

fs1:\boot> loader
'loader' not found
Exit status code: Invalid Parameter


Any suggestions?

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