9.6.1rc1 + FreeBSD 8 + IA64 compile problem

Marcel Moolenaar xcllnt at mac.com
Mon Jun 1 05:21:41 UTC 2009

On May 31, 2009, at 11:32 AM, Doug Barton wrote:
> I also tried various other combinations of removing the #ifdef,
> running it all onto the same line, etc. I'm not really familiar with
> this usage of __attribute__ so I'm at a bit of a loss.

My suggestion is to remove the whole attribute construct (see attached).
It only suppresses a warning when a function is unused. In this case
the function is defined as inline, so it's not causing a warning when
not used.

With the attached patch, the code compiles without errors or warnings
on FreeBSD/ia64.


Marcel Moolenaar
xcllnt at mac.com

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