20040502 snapshot + Dell PE3250

Muthu_T at Dell.com Muthu_T at Dell.com
Sun May 9 21:51:32 PDT 2004


   After the discussion with you folks in this mailinglist, today I
tried to
Install FreeBSD. 

   While Partition Creation Screen(DiskLabel Editor), I am seeing 2

1. In the normal x86 installation, sysinstall first create the Slice in
the selected
Disk and then it will goto DiskLabel Editor to create partitions on the
I couldn't see this step in IA64 install. It skips the Slice creation
and directly
Goes to Partition creation Screen. What is the reason behind this? 

2. In the current partition creation(disklabel editor) screen, I can see
EFI partition as 100MB size. Actually I already has RedHat AS 2.1
installed on this machine.
But that ext2 & swap partition are not displayed at all. Will
sysinstall/IA64 doesn't understand
Linux & other Oses(windoz)? 

   In other way, how can I dual boot Linux & FreeBSD on PE3250?

Last week while doing autopartitioning it corrupted my existing Linux
Partition (ie: It occupied the entire disk except the EFI partition). At
that time I didn't noticed it, so I was wondering what went wrong. Now I
got the glitch.

Any pointers?


--T. Muthu Mohan

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