20040810 snapshot available

Marcel Moolenaar marcel at xcllnt.net
Tue Aug 10 23:28:18 PDT 2004

On Wed, Aug 11, 2004 at 07:49:02AM +0200, Joerg Pulz wrote:
> after i connected the serial line to another computer i got it finally 
> working.

Great. That's good to know.

> now i have another problem.
> i've build a custom kernel which is working too, but only as long as i 
> don't use sysctl(8) with "-a" or as it is used in the 'preseedrandom' 
> script at boot time. this stops the whole thing.

I think you have NETSMB in your kernel config and I think that's the
problem. Let me know if removing it doesn't help. I have no idea what
is broken about NETSMB or if it's even 64-bit clean, so I can't help
you right now. If you could file a PR, then it will likely be addressed
in time for 5.3.

> FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 2 CPUs
> cpu0: SAPIC Id=0, SAPIC Eid=0 (BSP)
> cpu1: SAPIC Id=3, SAPIC Eid=0
> netsmb_dev: loaded

Beware that even though SMP appears to work, it's still considered

 Marcel Moolenaar	  USPA: A-39004		 marcel at xcllnt.net

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