FreeBSD/ia64 5.1-BETA Hardware Notes Page Preview

Jim Brown jpb at
Fri May 16 20:50:52 PDT 2003

* Marcel Moolenaar <marcel at> [2003-05-14 15:03]:
> On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 11:37:51AM -0700, Bruce A. Mah wrote:
> > > If all else fails we can sum up the device we think have
> > > a chance to work. Just collect all the devices we know about and
> > > filter out those devices that don't have PCI interfaces. Given
> > > that we don't have much experience in the field, describing what
> > > we expect on top of what we know may be informative...
> > 
> > That's a thought...I think that the sparc64 hardware notes had some
> > informed conjecture along these lines too (maybe it still does).
> Or alternatively: sum up all devices and have a colorcoded bullet that
> indicates the chance of it working. Something like:
> 	Green: Been there, done that
> 	Yellow: Should Work (tm)
> 	Orange: probably not
> 	Red: when hell freezes over
> Anyway: just more thoughts. I think adding some contents is the way
> to go. What exactly, I leave to Jim :-)

Well, there is now a table- but I still have no idea of content...

I did look as the sparc64 page but was not able to pull out the 
'informed conjecture' noted above.  I must be really dense lately...

Anyway, the table is available.  Who wants to help set the table? :^)

<Side Note>
Color was fun; we should do more of that.  Note- I only changed
the HTML source on this page and added corresponding entries in the
local docbook.css stylesheet, not the SGML originals.  I just wanted to see
if I could get  table headings in different colors.  If you like it,
we should be able to work it in.  I used classes.
</Side Note>

Best Regards,

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