make world - Celeron vs Pentium 4

Maillists maillists at
Sat Aug 13 10:57:29 GMT 2005

Hi All


My issue pertains to the make world as used in building a jail type
environment. I have searched Google and not had much success in finding a
solution or a pointer to a solution.


On FreeBSD 5.4 I am following the Jail creation steps as defined in the jail
man page. 



     cd /usr/src

     mkdir -p $D

     make world DESTDIR=$D

     cd etc

     make distribution DESTDIR=$D

     mount_devfs devfs $D/dev

     cd $D

     ln -sf dev/null kernel


Running on my main Pentium 4 computer this works fine, but on other
machines, including Pentium II, Celeron D and VMware machines, the "make
world" crashes out with seemingly insignificant issues. 



            Ld: cannot find -lc

            Pwd: ipf is not a file


I have now tried this on another Pentium 4 computer and it works. Now, this
is not to say that I have a hardware failure on my non-P4 machines, but it
seems strange that the P4 machines I have tested on worked fine, and all
other platforms have failed. 


I have also tried raw CD installs and also CVSup on each platform, and the
failures still plague the non-P4 systems.


All help appreciated.






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