Subversion Repository Mirroring

John Marshall john.marshall at
Sat Jul 14 07:45:16 UTC 2012

It is now over four years since we migrated src to a Subversion
repository but we've kept exporting current work to CVS and making the
src tree available around the globe via the CVSup mirrors.  The ports
tree is migrating to Subversion today with, I understand, plans to
export future updates to CVS as well.  The doc tree was migrated to a
Subversion repository a couple of months ago but is not being exported
to CVS, so the doc and www source trees still being distributed via the
CVSup mirrors are stale.

Is it time to do something about mirroring the Subversion repositories?

Yesterday I set up unofficial mirrors of the src and doc Subversion
repositories on the machine which hosts the Australian CVSup mirror: I
plan to do the same with the ports repository once it is in production.
Is it appropriate to make any Subversion mirrors official and allocate
'svn' domain names, or are Subversion mirrors something the FreeBSD
Project "doesn't do"?  I would just go ahead and ask the .au hostmaster
to create an svn domain name for the server but I don't want to do the
wrong thing.

These unofficial mirror repositories are being updated hourly via
svnsync from

	src --> svn://
	doc --> svn://

John Marshall
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