DNS manager for freebsd.org?

Fabian Wenk fabian at wenks.ch
Thu Sep 15 20:02:42 UTC 2011


On 14.09.2011 18:54, Fabian Wenk wrote:
> In a direct reply from somebody else I got a personal e-mail
> address which I will try. I will report back here if I have
> "official" contact information.

The nice person behind this personal e-mail address could do the 
update and the ch.freebsd.org zone has now been moved to the new 
name servers.

Regarding the correct e-mail address for the freebsd.org DNS zone 
contact, I got the following information:

Due to spam issues "hostmaster at freebsd.org" is given out as being
where to send things to.  But that never reaches a human, it is
an auto-responder that gives you the correct address to send
requests to.


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