DNS manager for freebsd.org?

Fabian Wenk fabian at wenks.ch
Wed Sep 14 09:20:40 UTC 2011


I would like to ask who is responsible for managing the 
freebsd.org DNS zone?

We need to transfer the ch.freebsd.org subdomain from the current 
name servers (ns1, ns2, and ns3.basis06.ch) to the following new 
servers (entry for the freebsd.org zone):

ch	IN NS	ns1.home4u.ch.
ch	IN NS	ns2.home4u.ch.
ch	IN NS	ns3.home4u.ch.
ch	IN NS	ns4.home4u.ch.
ch	IN NS	ns5.home4u.ch.

Reto has already contacted hostmaster at freebsd.org and also 
mirror-admin at freebsd.org in the last few days, but the update has 
not been done yet.

Is somebody reading this list able to do this update, or could 
point us to the right person or e-mail address?

Thank you.


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