cvsup workings question

Mark Huizer freebsd at
Sun Feb 4 19:07:35 UTC 2007


I'm looking around if I can do some performance tuning on a cvsup
server, but I'm (also) trying to get a little more understanding of
various workings of cvsup.

I'm wondering about the checkout.* files and their effect for a server.
In a cvsup-mirror these files are filled by the cvsup cron upgrading of
the repo. But my understanding is that this will only have checksums for
that specific release and tag. So the 'checksum caching' for e.g.
cvs-all will only apply if someone is actually upgrading to the same tag
and release. So if someone is fetching RELENG_6, all checksums have to
be calculated since that version info is not available. Right? Or do I
miss something obvious there?

Nice testing in little China...

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