packages-4.11-release coming soon

Oliver Fromme olli at
Wed Jan 12 01:27:08 PST 2005

jason andrade wrote:
 > On Tue, 11 Jan 2005, Ken Smith wrote:
 > > [packages-4.11-release sizes]
 > > (a bit over 7Gb for alpha, a bit over 11.5Gb for i386).
 > Thanks muchly for the heads up Ken - ~20G will normally take us
 > about a week or more to sync :-/
 > 11.5G is a significant increase over:
 > 7.7G    packages-4.10-release
 > any ideas why it may have gone up by ~50% since the last release?

In times when we're short on space, I exclude foreign-
language packages from our mirror, i.e. ru-*, ja-* etc.
It saves a lot of space and transfer time.

Of course, you cannot do that if you're running a full
mirror.  But for a smaller national / regional mirror,
excluding those packages might be reasonable.

(In my case it's in Germany, and
according to the logs, almost nobody downloads Russian,
Japanese and other foreign-language packages from us.
I decided to keep packages for languages of neighboring
countries, though, i.e. french and polish.  YMMV.)

I would really love to run a complete mirror, but the
package sets just take too much space.

Just to mention a few numbers:  Five architectures, two
of them having five package sets, and the other three
having three package sets.  During release times -- when
both the old and the new release should be available --
it's another set for every architecture.  That's up to
24 package sets, with an average of 7 Gbyte (which is
constantly growing):  about 170 Gbyte total.

Best regards

PS:  I'm using "omi" (ports/ftp/omi) for mirroring,
and these are the exclude lines from my config.
They're POSIX regular expressions, so they can be used
for other mirroring or syncing software, too, I assume.

Exclude /(arabic|chinese|japanese|korean|russian|ukrainian|vietnamese)/\$
Exclude /(ar|zh|ja|ko|ru|uk|vi)-[^/]*\$

Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co KG, Oettingenstr. 2, 80538 München
Any opinions expressed in this message may be personal to the author
and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of secnetix in any way.

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