Noticed this in the last couple of days...

John Polstra jdp at
Wed Jul 7 08:34:24 PDT 2004

On 07-Jul-2004 Peter Losher wrote:
> On Tuesday 06 July 2004 07:34 am, Jun Kuriyama wrote:
>> Hmm, can you try again after removing that file?
> Did, and it's back to normal - still slightly jet lagged after a 18 hour 
> flight, or I would have acted on the "Delete this file and continue" 
> line first. :)

I don't have your original mail any more, but it looked like the
classic symptom of bad RAM or cache on the client machine.  Over the
years, I've probably gotten two dozen reports like yours, where there
was a single-character error.  Almost always, the error was a single
bit in the character., which I maintain, used to
get these errors every 3-4 months or so.  Once I replaced the RAM with
ECC RAM, the problem vanished entirely.  That was also the case for
all of the other reports I've gotten about this kind of problem.


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