<FTDI USB - Serial> not ready after reboot

Axel Rau Axel.Rau at Chaos1.DE
Sat Sep 29 13:03:08 UTC 2018

Hi all,

the daemon opens /dev/ttyU3 on startup to read serial data.
In case of reboot the device seems to be not ready and the daemon does not get any data even it seems the opn succeeds. It works after manual restarting the daemon.

I could not find a suitable rcorder requirement.
How could I make sure the daemon does not start too early?

Thanks, Axel


crw-------  1 root  wheel     0xd3 Sep 29 12:54 ttyU3
crw-------  1 root  wheel     0xd4 Sep 29 11:56 ttyU3.init
crw-------  1 root  wheel     0xd5 Sep 29 11:56 ttyU3.lock

From dmesg:

Root mount waiting for: usbus2
ugen2.3: <FTDI USB - Serial> at usbus2
uftdi0 on uhub7
uftdi0: <USB - Serial> on usbus2
Root mount waiting for: usbus2
ugen2.4: <FTDI USB - Serial> at usbus2
uftdi1 on uhub7
uftdi1: <USB - Serial> on usbus2
ugen2.5: <FTDI USB - Serial> at usbus2
uftdi2 on uhub7
uftdi2: <USB - Serial> on usbus2
Root mount waiting for: usbus2
ugen2.6: <FTDI USB - Serial> at usbus2
uftdi3 on uhub7
uftdi3: <USB - Serial> on usbus2
random: unblocking device.
ugen0.2: <vendor 0x046a wired keyboard> at usbus0
ukbd1 on uhub1
ukbd1: <vendor 0x046a wired keyboard, class 0/0, rev 2.00/1.03, addr 2> on usbus0
kbd3 at ukbd1

root at db2:/usr/local/etc/rc.d # kldstat
Id Refs Address            Size     Name
 1   25 0xffffffff80200000 20647f8  kernel
 2    1 0xffffffff82266000 381080   zfs.ko
 3    2 0xffffffff825e8000 a380     opensolaris.ko
 4    1 0xffffffff825f3000 adf0     uftdi.ko

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