SIIG Cyber Serial 4S and system hang

Roy Badami roy.badami at
Fri Feb 13 07:47:01 PST 2009

Can't find anyone else having the same problem as me, so I'm hoping
this is the right place to post...

The short version:

I have a FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE-p2 machine with a SIIG CyberSerial 4S
card (one of the ones with the 10x clock) and I can fairly
consistently make the machine hang by accessing the serial port.

The long version:

The machine is an Intel D815EEA ('Easton') motherboard with an 866 MHz
Pentium III processor, and is running FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE-p2.  The
kernel configuration is identical to GENERIC except that

       device	     puc

has been uncommented.

The machine has one serial port on the back (not sure if there's a
second on the motherboard which isn't brought out) and I've installed
a SIIG CyberSerial 4S card which identifies itself as:

       puc0: <SIIG Cyber 4 PCI 16550> port 0xcf20-0xcf3f,0xcf00-0xcf1f mem 0xfc9fc000-0xfc9fcfff,0xfc9fb000-0xfc9fbfff irq 11 at device 11.0 on pci1

I believe this is one of the cards with the 10x clock, the patches for
which finally made it to prime time in 7.1 (this card didn't work at
all for me in 7.0).

Initially I had smstools-3.1.3_1 running on cuad0 (m/b serial port)
talking to an external GSM terminal for sending SMS messages and this
worked fine.

I then attached a serial-attached thermometer (that we built
ourselves) to cuau0 (the first port on the CyberSerial) and started
the temperature monitoring daemon, thermd (a perl script we wrote
ourselves).  When I started the temperature monitoring daemon from the
command line, the system pretty consistently immediately locked up -
both my ssh session and the physical console stopped responding - the
Caps Lock light wouldn't even toggle.

The really odd thing though is that now I swapped the two applications
round, so the thermometer is on cuad0 and the GSM terminal is on cuau0
then everything is working fine.

I've attached the thermd script in case the way it accesses the tty
sheds any light as to what was going on, but unfortunately it's not
possible to reproduce the hang without the (custom built) thermometer
attached to the serial port.

Although things seem to be working, I'd like to get to the bottom of
this so that I can be confident that the machine won't freeze again in
the future - and I have more serial applications I need to run on this

Any suggestions as to how to proceed - short of changing to a
different model of serial card?





#$ALERT_TEMP = 32;

$ALERT = 'alert_hall';

$tempfile = '/usr/local/etc/temperature';

$pager = '/usr/local/bin/pager';

$debug = 0;

use POSIX;
use Fcntl;
die "No tty specified" unless $ARGV[0];

$tty = "/dev/$tty" unless $tty =~ m'/';

&open_tty(\*TTY, $tty);

open TEMP, "+> $tempfile" or die "Can't open $tempfile";

&daemon unless $debug;

for (;;) {
  until (&check_thermometer(\*TTY)) {
    print STDERR "Error communicating with thermometer" unless $error;
    $error = 1;
    #No need to wait, since there's a wait in check_thermometer
  print STDERR "Communication established" if $error;
  $error = 0;
  for (;;) {
    $temp =  &read_thermometer(\*TTY);
    if (!defined($temp)) {
      print STDERR "Error reading thermometer";
      $error = 1;
    sleep 10;


sub open_tty
  my ($FILE, $tty) = @_;
  my ($termios,$iflag,$oflag,$cflag,$lflag);
  open $FILE, "+> $tty" or die "Can't open $tty";

  $termios = POSIX::Termios->new;

  $termios->getattr(fileno $FILE);

  $iflag = $termios->getiflag;
  $iflag |= (IGNBRK|IGNPAR|INPCK);

  $oflag = $termios->getoflag;
  $oflag &= ~OPOST;

  $cflag = $termios->getcflag;
  $cflag = ($cflag & ~CSIZE) | CS8;
  $cflag |= (CREAD|CLOCAL);

  $lflag = $termios->getlflag;

  #reads time out after 2 seconds
  $termios->setcc(VMIN, 0);
  $termios->setcc(VTIME, 20);	

  #baud rate
  $termios->setattr(fileno $FILE, TCSANOW);

sub check_thermometer
  my ($TTY) = @_;
  my ($fl, $buffer, $result);
  $fl = fcntl $TTY, &F_GETFL, 0;
  $fl |= &O_NONBLOCK;
  fcntl $TTY, &F_SETFL, $fl;
  sysread $TTY, $buffer, 8192;
  $fl &= ~&O_NONBLOCK;
  fcntl $TTY, &F_SETFL, $fl;
  defined(syswrite $TTY, 'S', 1) or die "Error writing to tty";
  defined(sysread $TTY, $buffer, 1) or die "Error reading from tty";
  #Allow thermometer to recover
  sleep 1;
  $result = ($buffer eq 'S');
  if ($debug) {
    print 'check_thermometer: ', ($result?'OK':'Failed'), "\n";

sub read_thermometer
  my ($TTY) = @_;
  my ($buffer, $res_string);
  defined(syswrite $TTY, 'T', 1) or die "Error writing to tty";
  defined(sysread $TTY, $buffer, 1) or die "Error reading from tty";
  sleep 1;
  $res_string = ($buffer?sprintf("%03d",ord($buffer)):'ERR');
  lseek (fileno TEMP, 0, &SEEK_SET);
  syswrite (TEMP, $res_string, 3);
  if ($debug) { print "read_thermometer: $res_string\n" }
  $buffer ? ord($buffer) : undef;

sub process_temp
  my ($temp) = @_;
  my ($time);
  $time = time;
  if ($temp >= $ALERT_TEMP && 
      (!$alert || ($temp >= $last_alert_temp + $ALERT_THRESHOLD_RISING &&
		   $time-$last_alert_time > $ALERT_INTERVAL))) {
    if ($alert) {
      &alert("Temperature rising, now ${temp}C");
    } else {
      &alert("Over temperature alarm: ${temp}C");
    $alert = 1;
    $last_alert_temp = $temp;
    $last_alert_time = $time;
  } elsif ($alert && 
	   $temp <= ($last_alert_temp - $ALERT_THRESHOLD_FALLING)) {
    if ($temp < $ALERT_TEMP) {
      &alert("Temperature now normal at ${temp}C");
      $alert = 0;
    } elsif ($time-$last_alert_time > $ALERT_INTERVAL) {
      &alert("Temperature dropping, now ${temp}C");
      $last_alert_temp = $temp;
      $last_alert_time = $time;

sub alert 
  my ($msg) = @_;
  print STDERR "thermometer: $msg\n";
  system ("$pager -p $ALERT $msg");

sub daemon
  my ($pid);
  if ($daemon) { return }
  $daemon = 1;
  open NULL, "/dev/null" or die "Can't open /dev/null";
  open CONSOLE, "/dev/console" or die "Can't open /dev/console";
  $pid = fork;
  die "Can't fork" unless defined $pid;
  exit if $pid;			# Parent
  close STDIN;
  close STDOUT;
  close STDERR;
  open STDIN, "<&NULL";
  open STDOUT, ">&NULL";
  open STDERR, ">&CONSOLE";
  close NULL;
  close CONSOLE;

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