Test: HighPoint RocketRaid 3120 PCIex1 2xSATA controller under FreeBSD 7.1-PRERELEASE

Dieter freebsd at sopwith.solgatos.com
Fri Sep 19 06:08:54 UTC 2008

> If you get about the same scores with dd, try using a higher read-ahead
> (vfs.read_max value, set it to 32 for example). Also sometimes it's
> required to use a higher blocksize to get full potential, try:
> newfs -U -b 32768 /dev/<raid device>
> Warning: using 64KiB blocksize you risk hanging the system under heavy
> load (like 2 bonnies running simultaniously).

What's this about 64KiB blocksize hanging the system?
Hang awhile then recover, or hang forever need a reboot?
Is this a RAID thing or are normal disks at risk?
It isn't obvious why a 64KiB blocksize would cause a
problem in this day of multi GiB memory.

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