nVidia chipsets?

Dieter freebsd at sopwith.solgatos.com
Mon Dec 11 12:39:24 PST 2006

> MBO DFI, s. AM2, Infinity nF-M2I, nFORCE 4,

Is this the same nFORCE 4 used on the socket 939 boards?

I have a 939 with "nforce 4 ultra".  (ultra means it supports
SATA's NCQ queueing)  I'm running FreeBSD 6.0 on it.

> Do ATA & SATA ports, ethernet and sound work? 

The nforce Ethernet works, but I've only used it for a few minutes,
and didn't stress it at all.  I haven't tried sound with FreeBSD.

PATA and SATA work.  It can read from 4 SATA disks at once as fast as the
data comes off the platters (65-70MB/s at the fast end of the platters).
I'm running soft updates and have the disks' write cache in write-through
mode to avoid scrambled filesystems.  In write-through mode I get about
6-7 MB/s.

If anyone knows how to turn on SATA NCQ, please let me know.

But there is a problem.  Writing to one drive slows down writes to
an unrelated drive.  (I'm not using any form of RAID.)  See the
"processes not getting fair share of available disk I/O" thread
in -questions for more info on this problem.  At this point I don't
know if this problem has anything to do with the nforce chip or not.

> What about an ATI graphics card?

My board has an onboard ATI chip.  Xorg seems happy with it,
but ATI doesn't support sync-on-green, so it is useless with
my monitor.

The nforce USB works, although I haven't stressed it.

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