Broadcom 440x on FreeBSD 6.0/6.1

Andreas Bachmann bachi at
Sun Apr 16 19:27:09 UTC 2006

> After installing 6.0/6.1-BETA4/6.1-RC1 and starting dhclient or 
> setting my IP address, my OS hangs.
I enable kernel debugging, set an IP address to the specific device
(= Broadcom 440x), the system hangs and I step into the debugger.
I really don't know much about drivers, but after stepping into the
debugger, I don't get to the right process. I was in a keyboard-event
function, probably because of CTRL+ALT+ESC. After stepping forward
(= 'n') I reached the scheduler and after typing another 'n' my
system hangs once again...

Are there other persons, who also owns a Broadcom 440x NIC.


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