4.9-PRE hanging on boot with USB KVM active

Barney Wolff barney at databus.com
Mon Sep 15 09:56:28 PDT 2003

On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 12:15:23PM -0400, Chris Pepper wrote:
> 	I have an IOGear MiniView USB KVM (probably model GCS102U, 
> but I can't verify from here). It has VGA & USB connections to 2 
> systems, with a VGA connector and 4-port USB hub switchable between 
> the 2 hosts.
> 	The KVM works fine with my Mac and my HP Pavilion running 
> 4.5-R through 4.9-PRE, but a newer Dell 600SC hangs if the KVM is 
> 'connected' (switched over to the PC) at boot time (under 4.8-R 
> through RELENG_4 as of 2003. If I switch to the 600SC 
> after it's up, the KVM attaches and detaches properly.

I have a MiniView 4-port, with a related problem talking to an Asus
A7M266-D.  With mine, the system will boot fine with the kvm pointed
to it, but the keyboard/mouse will not work until I unplug the usb
cable and plug it back in.  Like yours, mine is fine if the kvm is
not pointed to it at boot.  An Asus A7V333 works perfectly.

In my case, a possible explanation of the problem is that I have a
usb extension cable between the iogear and the troublesome system,
with a total length of about 25 ft.  So I can't really complain if
things don't work to spec.

Barney Wolff         http://www.databus.com/bwresume.pdf
I'm available by contract or FT, in the NYC metro area or via the 'Net.

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