Looking for RealTek 8139c+ based NIC

FreeBSD-Lis FreeBSD at Zaleo.nl
Tue Sep 9 10:10:33 PDT 2003

Dear Li Zeng,

This is a chipset not a brand, a lot of manufactures are using RealTec 
My advice don't use a Realtec based NIC, it resolves in a lot of collisions 
and there are some auto negotiating problems with this dual speed card. 
(Drops down to 10Mbit and sometimes you have to reconnect the cable to let 
it work after a reboot)

This is a Windows Box orientated chipset, FreeBSD simply over load this 

Kind Regards,
Zeo Smeijsters

At 11:43 9-9-2003 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi Bill Paul,
>I am looking for Realtek 8139c+ NIC for my project. I learnt from 
>freebsd.org website that you have gotten a sample 8139c+ NIC. I just 
>wonder who sells this card and what is the card's model. I'd appreciate it 
>if you could tell me.
>Li Zeng
>Software Developer,
>Perfisans Networks
>lzeng at perfisans.com
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Zeo Smeijsters

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