[GSoC 2021] Project Proposal

Chris bsd-lists at bsdforge.com
Tue Mar 23 03:46:53 UTC 2021

On 2021-03-22 09:18, Christos Margiolis wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 08:41:20AM -0700, Chris wrote:
>> Every version of mixer that I have run keeps state in /var/db/mixerN-state:
>> vol 100:100 pcm 100:100
>> where N is (0-9) which represents a previous state. This has been the case
>> for
>> as long as I can remember. It's much the same WiFi lease(s). Unless I'm
>> missing
>> something IMHO it's current incarnation seems trivial to work with /
>> manipulate.
>> One might consider using JSON notation in it to allow for more advanced
>> features
>> and manipulation / reading / status I suppose.
>> I'm not trying to take the wind out of your sails, or anything. Just 
>> sharing
>> my own personal observation. :-)
>> --Chris
> Interesting, I didn't really know about that, so I'll have to look more into 
> it
> for sure. In any case, I still think my main argument stands that a library
> which can be used by all userland programs that might want to have access
> to the mixer will be of benefit.
> I've already mentioned a few use cases in my initial email. Even in the case
> that you outlined - the state already being cached in `/var/db/mixerN-state` 
> -
> I think that libmixer(3) could provide with functions that deal with those 
> files,
> instead of having the programmer find ways to deal with them.
> mixer(8) at the moment still doesn't have the option to mute/unmute the
> mixer even with those files existing, so having a library handle all
> that stuff, will make mixer(8) basically a frontend for the library and
> will have cleaner code. And as I've already said in the previous email, 
> other
> programs such as MixerTUI could use the library too. I think that makes
> things more extensible; after all, many FreeBSD programs already follow
> that design (library + a frontend for it).
Like I said; I'm not trying to take the wind out of your sails. I just
thought that it might interest you to know about the state file, and
it's location. :-)
I'm also inclined to agree; a "helper" library may well better leverage
"conveniences" for mixer. Even if it only made it easier to manipulate
the state file. ;-)
It's all good, and don't get the idea I'm trying to shut you down, or
anything like that. :-)

Good luck, and best wishes!

> ----------------------------------------------
> Christos Margiolis <christos at christosmarg.xyz>
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