32-bit jail on 64-bit host

Eugene Grosbein eugen at grosbein.net
Thu Apr 22 11:06:39 UTC 2021

22.04.2021 17:32, Daniel Dettlaff via freebsd-hackers wrote:

> If you need to run 32bit software with 64bit base system just try creating 64bit jail with lib32 subsystem present. Then 32bit software should be able to run properly in such jail, but you can't run 32bit jail on 64bit base as Eugene said.

Not exactly. It is definitely possible to run 32bit-only jail with 64 host (kernel)
if one does not try use it as distinct machine with its own set of interfaces, routing tables etc.
but with its own IP address(-es) assigned to one of host's interfaces (loopback or other)
and assigned to the jail in question. A jail is a containter managed by its host,
so use it appropriately, manage it at host, not inside a jail and you'll be OK.

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