Adding a new efi-update-loader script: need help understanding Makefile.inc1 for "make installworld"

Rebecca Cran rebecca at
Mon Mar 25 02:30:16 UTC 2019

On 3/24/19 7:34 PM, Warner Losh wrote:

> Right. We need a standard location (that maybe can be overridden, like you
> can with /boot, if you really want), and that's likely the first order of
> business. I don't think we should be second guessing, though. And we
> shouldn't be touching \efi\boot anything unless specifically instructed to
> do so. I'm deeply uncomfortable with guessing whether or not to do
> something...

I'd be wary of *not* touching \efi\boot, since both Microsoft and Linux 
installs \efi\boot\bootx64.efi. And with desktop systems often not 
having an UEFI Shell built in and no option to browse for a boot loader 
from the BIOS, if the FreeBSD boot entry gets lost somehow they're 
stuck. I discovered recently that rEFInd at least knows to look for 
\efi\freebsd\loader.efi, but otherwise recovery could be pretty tricky 
for people who aren't familiar with UEFI. Perhaps adding an option to 
the efi-update-loader script to search for and list potential ESPs could 
help, along with good documentation of efibootmgr etc.

Rebecca Cran

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