building with WITHOUT_SSP side effect

Anthony Pankov ap00 at
Mon Mar 4 19:25:41 UTC 2019

In  my  case  no  applications  from  the  base  "world" listen to the
internet (no open ports from syslogd, bind, sendmail, etc). Also there
is no public login to servers.

So  I  see  SSP  as  waste of billions and billions instruction. The
probability  of  joint  events: the known user become an evil hacker
AND  the  weakest point is the buffer overflow in systems base world -
is  near  zero.  At  least  because weakest point can be obtained more
easily from misconfiguration, additional packages etc.

The   idea   was   to  throw  out  SSP  from kernel and base world but
fortify  sshd,  postfix etc. But things went not as smooth as desired.

> I'm curious about your use case for building without stack cookies.

> Thanks,

Best regards,
 Anthony Pankov                          mailto:ap00 at

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