Speculative: Rust for base system components

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at puchar.net
Tue Jan 8 22:26:13 UTC 2019

>> and even more important - stop introducing new bugs by adding this toys.
> Hello. I am testing FreeBSD instances with long term view exactly
> because of "toys" in linux.

for those who think FreeBSD should be more like linux (or whatever).

Take linux for example. 15-20 years ago or so there was great pressure on 
linux to be windows competition.

X11 which was already quite bloated to start with (but anyway working and 
quite logic) was the base on which "desktop environment" started to be 
created. Then X11/Xorg itself got "improved" which resulted in nonsense. 
Now for example X over network is almost unusable because instead of X 
server doing things - lots of libraries took it's job putting whole 
bitmaps as a result.

What is final result - those who want windows like product choose... 
windows. Which is logical.

Linux penetration on "desktop" market is zero+small measurement error.

Linux is only popular in server environment. Why not FreeBSD? Because 
linux got more marketing.

If FreeBSD will go being "more like linux" then people will get away from 
it. Those who want to have system "more like linux" already uses linux. 
Those who not will stop using FreeBSD.

Same was some years ago with NetBSD. And what will remain? DragonflyBSD? 
For how long. We will see.

Sad smart people here cannot understand basic logic, and get overhelmed 
with common marketing.

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