What code loads kernel modules at boot?

Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Thu Apr 18 03:45:04 UTC 2019

On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 9:07 PM Ian Lepore <ian at freebsd.org> wrote:

> On Wed, 2019-04-17 at 20:52 -0400, Lee D wrote:
> > A couple of years ago I wrote a FreeBSD bootloader for Zynq (Arm32).
> > It's been working well, but now I need to add the ability to load
> > kernel modules at boot.  This is for 11.0.1 (updating to 12 soon,
> > hopefully).
> >
> > Can anyone point me to the code that actually loads a kernel module
> > for arm?  I got lost reading the source in /src/sys/boot/common, and
> > can't quite figure out what routine is actually called.
> >
> > I assume I need to parse the sections out of the .ko file and place
> > them carefully in memory, like I do with the kernel image.
> >
> > Also, if you're feeling loquacious, where do I put the darn thing and
> > how do I tell the kernel how to find it (part of the MODINFO stuff I
> > assume)?
> >
> > This is all in the context of loading custom real time clock and I2C
> > drivers so they are available at boot time.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> >
> The bulk of the module-loading code (the arch-independent part of it)
> is in src/stand/common/module.c.  There is also archsw.arch_loadaddr,
> which figures out where to put the modules (handling arch-specific
> things like alignment requirements).

That code gets called from the command line commands, as well as indirectly
in the .conf file parsing each of the interpretive languages have.

> For some reason, I thought Zynq used u-boot.  That would allow using
> either ubldr or the arm uefi loader (depending on how old the u-boot
> is); those are just flavors of loader(8) that would get you module
> handling and all the other loader goodness.

Yea, if the loader that he's written loads /boot/loader, he doesn't need to
do anything. if it loads the kernel and modules, he'll need to do what the
code in src/stand/common/module does in terms of laying out memory and
passing the proper meta-data to the kernel.


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