Any WAFER-BT users?

Milan Obuch freebsd-hackers at
Tue Apr 9 08:38:08 UTC 2019


I am testing WAFER-BT-N28071-R20 board, details at

I tried installing from mini memstick image for both i386 and amd64
architectures, 12.0-RELEASE, both are failing the same way - boot loader
starts, menu is displayed, selected/timed out, then

Loading kernel...
/boot/kernel/kernel [text= etc.]
Loading configured modules...
can't find '/boot/entropy'

and that's all. No output from kernel, no sign of life :(

This board was tested with Windows and Linux, so it could not be
something totally wrong, just some BIOS settings or somesuch... I tried
loading without ACPI, but then it fails with 'can't find APIC' panic or
aomething similar (just from memory). Also, trying run kernel manually
from loader does not reveal anything, 'boot -vs' outputs nothing as

Any hint anybody? With no output from kernel, I am lost - no idea where
and what to look for...


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