Getting valid JSON output with xo(1)

Richard Perini rpp at
Sun Sep 9 01:38:51 UTC 2018

On Sat, Sep 08, 2018 at 02:41:10PM +0100, Matt Churchyard wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry if this is the wrong list, I wasn't sure which was the most
> appropriate.
> I've been asked to look at generating machine output from vm-bhyve using
> xo(1), and though it would be an interesting task. However, I'm coming
> across a few issues getting valid output. I've reduced my code down to the
> following example -

[ ... ]

I've never used xo but have used "jo" to perform similar tasks.

Its JSON only. I don't think there's a port for it, but it builds simply
on FreeBSD-10 through FreeBSD-12.

Richard Perini  
Ramico Australia Pty Ltd   Sydney, Australia   rpp at  +61 2 9552 5500
"The difference between theory and practice is that in theory there is no
 difference, but in practice there is"

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