We do serial differently.

Bob Bishop rb at gid.co.uk
Thu Oct 19 10:06:05 UTC 2017


> On 19 Oct 2017, at 05:25, Zaphod Beeblebrox <zbeeble at gmail.com> wrote:
> How does FreeBSD do serial differently than Linux or MacOS or Windows?

Quite likely only in the defaults when a port is opened.

> Now... this isn't _exactly_ serial, but the serial that is emulated by the
> arduino driver in ports.
> The issue is that running the arduino IDE works (and it boots with the
> loaded code), but then running 'pronterface'  fails to connect --- looking
> all-the-while like one-way communication.
> I see someone else basically having the same problem and claiming that
> hacking a trace (that affects the DTR response) on the arduino fixes it for
> FreeBSD (see https://plus.google.com/+MiroslavPrymek/posts/6TDdbuoNhzH )...
> Given this information, can I stty my way out of this problem?  Can I make
> a small modification to pronterface?

stty -clocal ...

might help.

All implementations of virtualised serial ports should (IMHO) provide a software ‘breakout box’ which is the only sure way of diagnosing this sort of problem.

Bob Bishop
rb at gid.co.uk

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