On COW memory mapping in d_mmap_single

Flavius Anton f.v.anton at gmail.com
Tue Apr 11 12:37:29 UTC 2017

Hi everyone,

I'll start by giving some context, so you can better understand what
is the problem I'm trying to solve. I’ve been working for a while on
bhyve trying to implement save/restore [1]. We've currently managed to
get it working for VMs using a ramdisk and no devices, so just vCPU
and memory states are saved and restored so far.

Last week I started looking into network devices, specifically
virtio-net devices. The problem was that when I issue a checkpoint
operation, the guest virtio driver stops working. After digging for a
while, I figured out the problem is marking VM memory as COW. If I
don't do this, the driver continues with no problem after

Each VM has an associated vmspace and a /dev/vmm/VM_NAME device. When
the user space does a mmap on the /dev device, we would like to mark
VM memory as COW, thus the VM can continue touching pages while the
user space is writing the 'freezed', COW marked memory to a persistent
storage. We do this by iterating through all vm_entries from VM's
vmspace, we find which entry is mapping the object that has VM memory
and then we roughly just set MAP_ENTRY_COW and MAP_ENTRY_NEEDS_COPY on
that entry. You can see the code here [2].

I'm not sure if the above is sufficient for our purpose. In other
words, how would you do this? You have a vm_object that is referenced
via a vm_entry by process A (the user space). Somebody else, process B
let's say, does an mmap() on your device and you'd like to freeze that
object, such that process B can see a consistent snapshot of it, while
you want process A to be able to continue reading and writing from/to

I've also read through Design Elements of the FreeBSD VM system [3],
but I am still afraid (I am sure) that I have some misunderstandings.

Thank you very much for bearing with me and going through this wall of text.


[1] https://github.com/flaviusanton/freebsd/tree/bhyve-save-restore
[2] https://github.com/flaviusanton/freebsd/blob/bhyve-save-restore/sys/amd64/vmm/vmm_dev.c#L862
[3] https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/articles/vm-design/index.html

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