looking for areas to contribute

Mark Heily mark at heily.com
Sat Mar 19 19:33:49 UTC 2016

Hi Tyler,

On Sat, Mar 19, 2016 at 11:52 AM, Littlefield, Tyler
<tyler at tysdomain.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> All,
> I've asked this before, but I'm in a better position now to make this
> work.
> I'm fluent with C and other languages and want to start contributing
> to BSD. I'm happy to work where ever I can be of use, I love more
> lower level stuff but anything that has me working on code would be
> great. My questions:
> 1) How do people usually have their environments set up? I'm thinking
> of running fbsd11 in BHyve where I can do testing, but if there's a
> better way to test that won't require so many resources that would be
> nice as well. I didn't want to break my host with testing since it's
> going to run various other services.

I tried using BHyve but was unable to get guest networking to work.
Currently, I'm using  VirtualBox and found this guide helpful in
setting it up:


What the guide doesn't mention is that port forwarding is very useful
to allow you to SSH to your virtual machines, instead of working on
the console. I typically assign a dedicated port on mapped
to each VM, and then have a simple 'vmssh' script to connect to each
VM like so:

   vmssh freebsd11

The script looks like:


case $1 in
  ssh -p 2222 localhost $*
  ssh -p 2223 localhost $*
  echo "Error: unknown guest"
  exit 1

> 3) ideas on what to work on would be great. I haven't gotten into
> really advanced BSD work for a while now, so I haven't found anything
> that is incredibly broken.

I'm looking for volunteers to help with relaunchd, which is a new
service manager for FreeBSD and other Unix-like platforms. Here's the
GitHub site:


There are a number of issues in the GitHub issue tracker that you
could hack on. There's also a general need to take existing software
that runs under rc(8) and write the configuration files to allow them
to run under launchd(8).

Are there any particular subject areas that interest you?


 - Mark

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