10.1-RELEASE UEFI RAID0 ASUS M5A97 R2.0 AMD64 PhenomIIx6

CeDeROM cederom at tlen.pl
Sun Jul 26 18:43:28 UTC 2015

On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 8:29 PM, Arto Pekkanen <isoa at kapsi.fi> wrote:
> Although, I think it would be possible with Linux but you would have to use a DIY distro like Gentoo that doesn't hide all the features behind a cascade of automagic system management UI-dialogs or scripts. That being said, haven't done a customized Linux installation for years now, since FreeBSD + documentation enable me to more easily create a customized FreeBSD installation for spesific tasks.

Well, I did not manage to install and boot Linux so far hahaha :-)
Even Ubuntu install but does not boot! :-)

> That must be because UEFI depends on kms.ko to get a framebuffer console. In this case it would be the kms/VESA module. So probably there's some kind of race condition between the kms/VESA framebuffer and nVidia kmod.
> Have you already checked if there's any PR about this? If not, you could make one. I am sure this could be fixed easily.

I have found some information over the net about buggy nvidia driver
in UEFI mode. I have experienced repeatedly system crash when running
Xorg+nVidia. I have made a PR :-)


> Hmm, this is something you should definitely make a PR for, if you can. Your description makes it seem like the BSDInstall scripts are a bit behind the actual UEFI boot stack.

I will, thank you :-)

> Thank you for describing your use case. This is valuable information :)

You are most welcome :-) Thank you guys for great work! I really
consider FreeBSD to be my favorite OS! Even after switching to OSX I
came back to FreeBSD. Now I can safely work on OSX and FreeBSD and
avoid Windows and Linux :-) :-)

Best regards! :-)

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info

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