[GSoC] Machine readable output from userland utilities

Alfred Perlstein bright at mu.org
Wed May 21 16:16:50 UTC 2014

On 5/21/14 2:49 AM, Erik Cederstrand wrote:
> Den 21/05/2014 kl. 10.29 skrev Alfred Perlstein <bright at mu.org>:
>> This is a great idea.  Having compat formats is very important.
>> That said there are a few things here we can do to keep the scope of this project down to something doable by a student as well as very useful for FreeBSD.
>> First off we can decide that without any additional specification that v1.0 is the default version, it then becomes up to the app to ask for v2.0, v2.1, etc at a later date.
> To keep the scope even further down, why not just adopt the same policy regarding API stability and deprecation as the rest of the FreeBSD project?
That sounds reasonable.  Is there a link to the specifics we can have?


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