10.1-STABLE one week old from svn - random hangs

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at puchar.net
Sun Dec 7 10:00:43 UTC 2014

i have a problem with FreeBSD-10.

To make it more probable one have to

1) reduce maxbcache. eg

in loader.conf

but NOT doing this doesn't make problem disappear. it is just more rare.

2) use swap. But you don't need system that swaps heavily. Probably - it 
may not swap at all.

3) do lots of I/O

4) it is more often if you use virtualbox, but still - it is not required, 
just make problem more common.

The problem. At random moment system I/O stops. If you are running top at 
this moment, there are lots of prosesses stalled in vnread or biord. 
network keeps running, processes that doesn't need I/O still runs.

top often reports at least 10MB free memory.

seems like a deadlock. Anyone know that problem. How to trace it down?

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