Stuck CLOSED sockets / sshd / zombies...

Daniel Eischen deischen at
Fri Apr 11 17:32:59 UTC 2014

On Fri, 11 Apr 2014, Konstantin Belousov wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 03:57:00PM +0100, Karl Pielorz wrote:
>> --On 11 April 2014 17:15 +0300 Konstantin Belousov <kostikbel at>
>> wrote:
>>> So my suspicious idea seems to be true. From the ldd output, libc
>>> appears before libthr in the global order, so libc sigaction() symbol
>>> is resolved before libthr interposer. The result is that libthr wrapper
>>> thr_sighandler() for the signal handlers is not installed as the
>>> recepient of the kernel signal, which prevents libthr locks for rtld
>>> from working properly.
>> Ok, I can just about follow that ;)
>>> To confirm or deny my theory, please apply the patch below, in addition to
>>> the previous patch, and rebuild sshd only,
>>> # cd src/secure/usr.sbin/sshd && make clean all install
>>> The patch tilts the order of initialization, for my build I got
>>> sandy% ldd /usr/sbin/sshd
>>> ...
>>> => /lib/ (0x802f0d000)
>>> => /lib/ (0x803123000)
>>> => /lib/ (0x803348000)
>>> => /usr/lib/private/ (0x8036d1000)
>>> => /lib/ (0x803926000)
>>> which could be enough to prevent the bug.
>>> Please retest and report.
>> Ok, patched the makefile - rebuilt / installed sshd restarted (which has
>> the same initialisation order as yours above), it and ran the security scan
>> against it.
>> *This does indeed seem to fix the problem*
>> The scan completes, and there are no stuck 'urdlck' sshd's - and no socket
>> sitting around in CLOSE_WAIT or CLOSED - thanks! :)
>> I re-ran the scan a couple of times more to be sure, with the same result -
>> no zombies or anything.
> Great.
>> Is this situation likely to be repeated anywhere else on the system? Or is
>> it likely just to be specific to sshd?
> Well.
> The issue with libthr so relying on interposition of libc has already bitten
> us more than once.  The biggest practical consequence of it is that libthr
> cannot be dynamically loaded, it must be linked to the main binary for the
> whole construct to work.  This means that any program big enough to load
> plugins at runtime must link to libthr if it might need to load plugin
> linked to libthr.  Recently, perl and other programs from ports started
> doing just that.
> But this is first time I see interposing so broken due to wrong linking
> order, esp. in the base system.
> The correct solution is to merge libthr into libc. Some neccessary
> preparations were already done, but the main work did not started yet.
> This is huge efforts, and it probably should be coordinated with some
> other ABI changes planed for libthr to support process-shared locks.

Eek, no, I don't think that is necessary.  When we go to using real
structs instead of pointers for synchronization types (mutex, CV)
in libthr, then I don't think there will be a problem.


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